New patio areas off basement.

Basement standing in original area looking at new addition.

Fireplace was moved from living room to basement.

Standing in original living room looking out to addition.

Looking out to new deck.

We chose the same color that we have in our house for the living room and basement areas. Mom's room, closet and bathroom are Sherwin William's Silvermist.

Above is looking into mom's 8x 10 closet- waiting on the closet system.

Above-Hallway in bedroom to living room. Bathroom tile is all grouted waiting on the plumber.

The color is so pretty! Annette had picked it out for Don's Parade of Homes house and we fell in love with it. All of the subs who have seen it have complimented it as well. It is very restful. The five windows in this bedroom are terrific!